Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Lesson 18: The last class!!

Today is our last lesson for Intermediate Pastry..after that its our practical exam! OMFG!! i'm so freaking nervous about it!!!

Today didn't go well as i thought it would be, i was so annoyed by the end of it, by what i'm not sure. It seems like everything didn't go well. I almost burned my hazelnut dacquoise, than my cream look so rough almost butter like, my chocolate wasn't tempered properly (its almost temper) and i can't even remember what else went wrong OUH rite the time seems to go very very very quickly!! Taste: A layer of hazelnut daquoise with milk chocolate chantilly cream.

Anyway! The chef remarks: my mousse/cream wasn't smooth BUT presentation wise he liked it a lot! ermm i can't remember what else but i guess thats abt it.

Here is my Douceur Chocolat:

(sorry my hand was shaky)

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