What is inside the Christmas log: Biscuit sponge (like lady finger sponge), chocolate buttercream and sugar syrup. Decorated with marzipan + chocolates. I'm improving in speed,presentation & piping..i've got 4 pts for todays' presentation. :D :D. My Chef instructor told me that my presentation is good, the sponge is soak enuf with syrup, buttercream is spread enuf so overall is a good score i guess..i took a look @ his palm top;where they record all the score most of it i got 3.5 pts & 4 pts. So thats good.
Than after school me & laura watched STEP UP 2..it was so GOOD i like it a lot. If you like dance moves you'll deffenitely like this movie!!
Here is my presentation of Buche de Noel:
hish! i wanna c pictures of you.. banyaknye pic mknan.. blog ko ley bukak kedai tau! heheheheee
- nabilah
hahahahaaa..aku blom amek gambar uh..
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