Nib d'abeille, a dacquoise with honey chiboust and strawberry jelly in between. Taste: Very honey-ish, i dont like it that much.
Chef said: The 'wheel' cld be more even , the dacquoise is a bit dry (maybe i baked it to long) but presentation is nice (for both).
Nib d'abeille
Feuille d'automne is a meringue disc filled with basic chocolate mousse. The chef tips: he said the mousse cld be converted into a chocolate souffle or a chocolate sponge just remove the cream.
This was hard to decorate the chocolate ruffles keeps melting on my hands. But it turn out fine. Its so rich and chewy.
Feuille d'automne
When i got back from class yday, i took my dinner watch a little bit of tv and took a nap. When i woke from my nap it was already 1030pm..woah! that was a long nap i just decided to call it a night. Today i woke so fresh and not sleepy at all!!
1 comment:
Wah macam-macam cake u do...Elly see the cakes she said,"Yummy,yummy,yummy,yum...sedap".....ehhehehe...
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