Today we made Fraisier; its a genoise sponge cake filled with mousseline cream (a pastry cream with butter), inside is a layer of macerated strawberries and fresh strawberries all around the cake. It was not that hard to make because its just genoise sponge + mousseline cream. But we only hv 21/2hrs i feel like i didn't have enough time. So i was rushing like crazy to get everything done until i forget my top layer of sponge, i ask chef he jokingly say:"i think you forget a layer of sponge" i say:"chef i know, can i remove some of the cream" he said " you can try". So i was trying very hard to remove some of the cream but still i couldn't get it to the even height of the ring.
So i just make the best of it. Chefs' remark: genoise sponge is good; light. Could have soak more syrup on the top layer of sponge coz its a bit dry. Mousseline cream is good. Montage is good but the sponge need to be slice evenly coz my top was slightly thicker than my bottom layer. Piping the border no need to be intricate details, just simple yet perfect. And i'm missing an "i" on Fraisier.
ARGGH! it was a tiring day. But i did get to finish everything. I got to seperate myself from Laura i think we're getting bored of each other...hahaha.
My presentation of Fraisier:

Lesson 4: Fraisier
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