Yeaahhh!!! Done with Intermediate Pastry now Superior, classes will begin in a week!!! The graduation was held at Government Congress Centre. WOW! Graduation was fun just now..didn't check out the food to busy saying CONGRATULATIONS to the Superior students that'll be leaving us :( :( they were the FUN batch!!!! wish i was in their group coz they seem to get along pretty well with each other unlike our batch :(
Haizz its gonna be quiet in the student lounge next term. Hmm at least its just for 21/2 mths to go and i'll be going home!! HOME SWEET HOME!!! for some reason now i can't wait to get back BUT i'm gonna miss Ottawa.
We didn't receive our transcripts yet but Lauren say she'll email me later. Going clubbing tonite to a club down town called Zaphods one of the Superior students ask us whether we want to go or not. So we be meeting up with them later. Here are some of the photos i took.
Chef Christian Faure talking abt goals.
The Graduating Superior Students!!
(gonna miss the noise @ the lounge)
Group Shot!
The Chefs goofing ard :)
Us with the Chefs!!
Me, Chef Tierry, Laura, Chef Nicholas!
Me and Laura.
Laura's gonna leave me on 18 june and coming back on 3rd september :( :( i'm gonna be alone for 21/2 mths!!
My 2 pins!!

My Certificate!!